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Physical Activity is Freedom

We are born and raised with physical activity and without it we are nothing, here we put a little of our active lifestyle and our partners and their life purposes.

atletas boat beer company

Alexandre Paiva

Ultra Triathlete BoatBeer

Alexandre Paiva

Ultra athlete with Type 01 Diabetes living a purpose that with Diabetes he only got stronger.

Triatleta Boat CREW

jhonnes vaz

Engenheiro cartógrafo, doutor em engenharia de transportes, professor de Cartografia e Matemática e Triatleta.

Captura de tela 2024-03-18 182425.png

Ultra Triathlete BoatBeer

Alexandre Paiva

Ultra athlete with Type 01 Diabetes living a purpose that with Diabetes he only got stronger.


Boat Playlist for Training

Without music we are nothing, so here is our selection to accompany you in moments of discipline.

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